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Yarn the After Party no. 11

Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Uus -80 %
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11
Yarn the After Party no. 11

Heegeldatud motiividest laudlina, loodud Christa Veenstra poolt. Kokku koosneb laudlina 91 erinevat värvi motiivist. Näidise puhul kasutatud lõng Scheepjes Maxi Bonbon

Ajakiri on inglise keeles, muster on  kirjutatud ja skeeminia

  • Varud: Laos
  • Mudel: AP11
Maksudeta: 0.16€
Sildid: ajakiri , muster
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